wait, it’s over?
it’s certainly been one hell of a year. let’s recap!
- i created version 1 of this very website, which was very quickly abandoned.
- alongside this, i started working on my first vrchat avatar, mangrove! see below
- she was my main avatar for the coming months, and was meant to closely resemble my website.
- she also, for reasons no longer known to me, had a protogen counterpart named buggy…
- although i no longer represent myself with mangrove, i did learn a lot about avatar creation through her.

- i started working on spectrum, which ultimately became abandonware. maybe next year?
- around this time, revision for my GCSE exams kicked up, so i suppose i didn’t code as much.
marsh march
- continuing the vrchat trend, i helped alyxia work on her avatar.
- i began work on version 2 of this website - you’re looking at it right now!
- it has been through quite a few revisions since, though.
- it was around this time that i began work on turning my PS4 into my home server. you can read the blogpost on that here.
- this coincided with me getting back into Sonic Robo Blast 2, and, on a whim, i hosted a gameserver for it on the PS4.
- it was a ton of fun, especially seeing the reactions to it both in-game and out.
- we even reached the player limit of 32, albeit with several mishaps.
- i started the month with the creation of a very special private project.
- i still can’t discuss this, but hopefully the stars will align soon™.
- as part of it, i publicised argus, my cli argument parser. it’s so cute!
- i created kintobor, a tool to register unorthodox SRB2 servers on their master server.
- sometime during this month, i setup an akkoma instance on the PS4. it was my only social media for some time.
- i published switchboard, a simple interface to download split APK files of the Discord mobile app.
- this project has been vaguely neglected since, and i should really give it some love soon.
- it does have a really cool progress bar though, courtesy of kasimir.
- as with any game i truly enjoy, i started work on an SRB2 cheat for educational purposes. it never saw the light of day (thankfully!)
- towards the end of the month, i decided i wanted to make a discord bot. her name is ashie!
- despite the 2 pieces of art created by valerie to represent her, she is far from complete.
- after all i had done in april, i slowed down. my exams truly began now, as well.
- despite this, i did create my second vrchat avatar - ivy!

- getting back into the swing of things, i worked on a few existing projects during my 2-week exam break.
- i also setup rdt-bundle, automating the creation of embeddable React DevTools bundles.
- this tool, although cool, did not get used for very long :<
- in the later parts of june, i decided to give this site a visual refresh, mainly with the intent of long-form blog posts.
- i took this one step further, seperating the styles out into their own repo, dubbing it murky
- doing this allowed me to reuse the styles across other projects, such as switchboard. it’s quite nice.
- i finished my exams! i had truly no idea how i’d done at the time, but felt confident nontheless.
- despite having little free time for most of july, i created two more vrchat avatars, fern and okee! pictured below, in order
- fern was created as a demonstration/walkthrough for slicey.
- i had no idea she’d go on to become not only my main avatar, but my primary “brand” too!
- okee goes beep boop.
- i went on two vacations, one for each side of the family, in celebration of my exams.

- i got my GCSE results! i did, thankfully, do quite well, most notably getting the highest possible grade in Computer Science.
- i played CrossCode for the first time in a while, and created CCSelector.
- the purchasing of 3 or so windows phones resulted in a day-long excursion trying to mod them. didn’t really get anywhere :<
- i also started working with the lovely folks at GreggCraft to create their Season 3. it’s come a long way!
- some divine intervention also pushed me towards using NixOS on both my laptop and desktop PC, too. i loved it - until i didn’t.
- i am still proud of my NixOS flake, though!
- i Contributed to Open Source™ via strawberry, my fork of spitroast.
- more specifically, i fixed up their build process and unit testing, moving to modern tooling.
- strawberry is a hard-fork due to scoping differences between it and the upstream project.
- this month began with what would become a running theme - branding indecisiveness!!
- i reworked my stylesheet away from the old purples into a blue-black gradient style… which lasted about a month.
- work on private projects continued, making my GitHub commit graph very empty. oops.
- i started college! i’m really enjoying it thus far.
- my birthday!! i was 17 on the 8th, and had a wonderful time celebrating.
- fern became extra spoooooky for halloween, too.

- a thought popped into my head this month - what if we used the web as art? the answer? we probably shouldn’t.
- on a whim, i also setup a Bluesky PDS on the PS4, and went somewhat viral for it? crazy stuff.
- i’ve met some lovely people through this, too. it’s now my primary social media!
- i also tried applying some knowledge from my mysterious private project to modding the Bluesky mobile app, although i haven’t published any of it.
- toonlink and jules nerdsniped me hard into working on a custom SSG/SSR framework using KDL as a DSL.
- i was hoping to have finished this by the end of the year… keep an eye out for it, though!

- winding down the year, i attempted to participate in Advent of Code.
- however, i realised very quickly i don’t work well in environments like it, and so only reached Day 4. oh well.
- instead, i opted to make “fern v2”, a slight update to her design, using a different avatar base. i’m very happy with how she turned out!

looking towards the future
and there we have it. overall, 2024 was a good year for me. i became more confident, met a ton of new friends, and made some lasting memories. there’s likely a few things missing from the timeline above, but you can, of course, find a somewhat constant stream of my thoughts on both bluesky and fedi. if you know me as a friend, you’ve also likely heard of my other less public/sillier escapades in your DMs or in person :p
here’s some other photos i like from this year:

in the new year, i want to be more organised - both online and offline. i too easily fall victim to overthinking and procrastination. i also want to consolidate my “brand”, making something i truly resonate with. i’ve got lots of ideas for this in my head. who can truly know what the future holds, though. whatever happens, let’s make it a good one.
with that, i'm done for the year. happy 2025!
— marsh