is this thing on? 2024-03-14
*dial-up handshake noises* testing
a whole new world
hi! if you’re reading this, allow me to welcome you to my blog! at the time of writing, there isn’t much to see - but in future, i’m definitely going to be depositing my thoughts here. for now, though, here’s a little styling test:
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
italic bold bold italic strikethrough hyperlink
- a list
- of items!
- wow!
// some wonderful code
const exampleVariable = "Hi! Lea! Hi!";
class Evotar {
public name: string;
public introText: string;
constructor(name: string, intro: string) { = name;
this.introText = intro;
// stub
speak: (text: string) => {};
new Evotar("Lea", exampleVariable);